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Shift by UDC

A shift is a move or cause to move from one place to another, especially over a small distance.

There's that fine line to walk between being focused & flexible at the same time. Shift is a subsidiary brand incepted for a couple of main reasons.

First, we wanted to channel Upside Down Coffee Roaster more into B2B & external customers, spreading our sentiment across. Hence the distinction in brands.

Second & more importantly, we wanted to shift & translate more ideas into physical non-pretentious concepts without falling off, walking the fine line between being focused yet flexible.

We are small, but we want to bring a niche excitement into the coffees & concepts we put across. Something exceptional, sometimes extreme, something small yet memorable.

We saw the need for Shift to be around once we decided to get started on our Syphon Bar; we ensured to compartmentalise to continue the focus on each brand. 

With so much new innovations & waves coming into the world of coffee, we understand completely that walking into a coffee shop might get intimidating these days. We hope to break that streak.

Shift in & feel no pressure at all.

Enquiries :

Coffee Stand

115 Amoy St., Singapore 069935


Syphon Bar

Southbank, 881 North Bridge Road, #01-13, Singapore 198784