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About Us

Established in 2017, Upside Down Coffee Roaster was the only brand under our wing, operating as a self-sustaining coffee stand in the heart of the Central Business District, providing non-pretentious & quality in-house roasted coffee to the working crowd. 

Why "Upside Down"? 

Take a coin and there's two sides : Heads or Tails. While the side facing up is always easy to see, sometimes looking at the side under makes the difference & puts you in a different perspective. As much as possible, we'll always try to look & approach coffee (perhaps everything else too) in that manner.

As one of the first few places in Singapore back then to serve takeaways in a more compact 7oz cup, many questions were raised by consumers all-around; most of which were "Why is the cup so small?" 

We're focused with ensuring there's the right balance in your cup of coffee. That doesn't mean we're not flexible. We'll walk you through the time to allow you to experience & understand the "balance" we speak of, and we still do.

Up till this day, we have never labelled ourselves specifically as "Specialty" although the team keeps ourselves up-to-date with practices & protocols; simply because we are thankful of the earlier generations waves of the industry & coffee as a whole, be it a Grande or a local Kopi O.

Each of us has done our part to elevate and make a difference in the industry. The difference in cultures & styles will only make the industry more vibrant as time goes by. After all, coffee is what always gets anyone & everyone together without bias nor discrimination.

See, we're not a brand with fancy decors & equipments in our coffee shops. We love what we do, the diversity it has expanded itself into & we commit to it.

We're a sentiment.

General Enquiries :

B2B (Wholesale) :